MAPA's Annual Capitol Summit
Grassroots advocacy at its best!
May 14, 2024
90+ PA and PA-student leaders traveled to Lansing to meet with 50+ Michigan policymakers to support Patient-Led Care. Hoill 511use Bill 5114 defines Michigan PAs as mental health providers. House Bill 5115 Allows PAs to delegate. House B6 updates the professional title to Physician Associate and House Bill 5117 enters Michigan into the multi-state PA licensure compact.
So far, 600+ MI PA leaders emailed and/or met with their State Reps and Senators this month to support #Patient-Led Care. Special thanks to Rep. Julie M. Rogers, Rep. Curt VanderWall, Rep. Carrie A Rheingans, Senator Kevin Hertel, & Senator Michael Webber for standing with the Michigan Academy of Physician Associates at the Capitol.
Michigan PA leaders who ensured a successful event include Legislative Chair Ron Stavale, PA-C, Legislative Vice Chair & PAC Chair Garrett Smigelski, PA-C, PA program faculty, health system executives and many current and previous MAPA Board of Directors members and PA students serving in key leadership roles.
Couldn't join us in Lansing but still want to contribute meaningfully to advance your profession?
#1 Generate an e-mail to your State Rep. (Takes 10 seconds, seriously!)
#2 Contribute to the Michigan PA PAC to support policymakers who support you.
Donate to PAMPAC
There will be no stopping #Patient-Led Care once most of the Michigan's 8,000+ PAs and PA-Students provide their support. We're just getting started!
About the Capitol Summit
The Capitol Summit, held each spring, is one of MAPA's key events. PAs come together at the State Capitol in Lansing for direct advocacy with Michigan health policymakers who influence PA medical practice. This event is a great opportunity to support your patients and your practice.
Registration for the 2025 Capitol Summit, which will take place on Tuesday, April 15, is now open.
Register for the Capitol Summit
Contact Thadd Gormas, MAPA Executive Director & Lobbyist,